Conjugación de fix on [v.]
-fix on
Ifix on
youfix on
hefixes on
wefix on
youfix on
theyfix on
Ifixed on
youfixed on
hefixed on
wefixed on
youfixed on
theyfixed on
Iwillfix on
youwillfix on
hewillfix on
wewillfix on
youwillfix on
theywillfix on
Ihavefixed on
youhavefixed on
hehasfixed on
wehavefixed on
youhavefixed on
theyhavefixed on
-fixing on
-fixed on
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
discuss again piss with rain gross out pass judgment snatch from touch upon zero in on pass along smooth over touch a chord vouch in mix with switch over buzz off wash the dishes wash again fix up push into neutral thresh about branch off ... (357 palabras)